The Craptain's Log

Astroworld trip with Woodland Park Youth Group

Day 1 Hour 9:58 a.m.

We have just loaded up in the van and we are rollin'. I juts got made a fool of about 5 bucks. This trips ganna be rockin'. We in the nerd van and Amanda's in here with us. Chi! Peace!

. . . Emergency Transmission . . .
(static) Jason . . . is a . . . happy homo Fudge Packer . . .
10-4 over and out . . .
. . . End Transmission . . .

Day 1 6:42 p.m.

We are now in Houston. We went to the church to drop off the We-hauled. That church's water almost made me puke. I talked bad about it. Chaw is good! Chaw Chaw Chaw! Stan's original Flavor Beef Jerky Chaw! We on our way to the baseball game. Katy did my hair funny. It's funny. I laughed cause it's funny. We stank! Ugh . . . spit the chaw. Pooo!

Day 3 10:15 a.m.

Well, once again I have crapped up the craptain's log by not writing a whole day. So let me cover last night and all of yesterday. When we arrived at the church we unhitched and went straight to the baseball game. We all paid stinkin million dollars for food which tasted like crap. We saw Sammy Sosa. He struck out once. A guy hit a grand slam. That was cool. The roof opened and kept us from dying. After feeling like crap and airing off on the street vent we got back to the church and started to sleep. A few of us stayed up all night and catipillared and rolled all over the place while everyone was sleeping. Danny was sleep walking like a mug. The Jolly Green Giant wanted to kill him. So after sleeping for thirty minutes we woke up. It was time for Astro World. Texas waster sucks! I came pretty close to dying. The dungeon drop totally rocked my pants off. Most of the rides were great but the lines made me want to go insane and get revenge. Whitney only rode the log ride cause she was scared. Me and Brennan had the girlfriend olympics. I dozed off a total of 15,793 times through out the day. I finally got decent water that night on a trip to pick up 18 pizza's. Brother Pete wanted to drive right into Papa John's. Texas doesn't even know when Kentwood is! We all slept pretty stinking good. Breakfast was silly. That town just shouldn't have a Burger King. We on our way home. Weee! Good Trip. Bye!

Trip over:

Not much happened the rest of the way home. Someone puked. No catch phrase ending. Sorry.

