You take a big bite of the hair football and start to
choke. The cat does a flying jumpkick to your stomache which
makes the hair football go flying. "Thank you very much, Mr
Kittty. If twernt for you I may have died. What do you have to
say on the situation, Mr. Kitty?" "Well. . . . . . . . . .you
know what I think? Catfood stinks! It made me cough up that huge
hair football. That thing hurt!" "Would you care to go get some
real food, Mr. Kitty?" "Sure. Let's go to Papa's truckstop. I
hear they have great cup of Joe." "Who you hear that from," you
ask. "Some cat I know named Happy Cat." So, off the two of you
go. You arrive at Papa's and see such a site. A giant cup of Joe
is standing right outside of the truck stop. What do you
Forget this whole dumb section and go play monopaly
Continue this crappy story and get a really crappy