Choose Your Own Adventure

This is a segment to my site where you can read on a story
line and choose what happens. Since this takes major crap
loads of time to make one I am going to make a bunch of short
ones. Enjoy.

"Please don't cheat and use the back button to see every possible ending there is in five
minutes. That will take all the fun away. Well, if you want to be cheesey then go ahead and
cheat. You just won't get to enjoy it the way it was made the be enjoyed."
-Mr. Fat

Choose Your Powers - (this is a choose your own adventure where
you chose what super hero you want to be. It was all created and posted by me.)

Joebo Face - (this story was created by Landon Kraemer and Jason Dupree
and was put up by MEEE!)

Boomer the Brave Dog - (this story was created by Brennan Robertson
and Jason Dupree and was put up by Jason Dupree and Courtney Hamilton, a little bit)